Aladdin Movie Synopsis & Plot
Soar away on a magic carpet ride of nonstop thrills and fun in the most spectacular adventure of all time! In the heart of an enchanted city, a commoner named Aladdin and his mischievous monkey, Abu, battle to save the free-spirited Princess Jasmine. Aladdin's whole life changes with one rub of a magic lamp as a fun-loving, shape-shifting Genie appears and grants him three wishes, setting him on an incredible journey of discovery. Through his adventures, Aladdin proves that he is a prince where it truly matters most -- on the inside!
Growing up, Aladdin was my favorite animated movie. More so than The Lion King, the popular pick at the time, and more so than Toy Story, Finding Nemo or any other film that has followed. I found the music sensational, the visual effects--which feature some early CGI, it appears--incredible and the story exciting. Jasmine was a babe, too.Read our Aladdin movie review »