Boy & the World Movie Synopsis & Plot
Cuca’s cozy rural life is shattered when his father leaves for the city, prompting him to embark on a quest to reunite his family. The young boy’s journey unfolds like a tapestry, the animation taking on greater complexity as his small world expands. Entering civilization, industrial landscapes are inhabited by animal-machines, with barrios of decoupage streets and shop windows, and flashing neon advertisements that illuminate the night. The story depicts a clash between village and city, hand crafted and mechanized, rich and poor – and throughout the tumult, the heart and soul of the people beats on as a song. The film’s music is on equal footing with the stunning visuals, a soundscape of pan-flute, samba, and Brazilian hip-hop mixing with the whirling carnival colors and exploding fireworks.
How do I review Boy and the World? The Oscar-nominated animated movie was not made for me, that’s for sure. I’m not exactly sure who it was made for. It’s the type of animated movie I simply don’t like, to no real fault of the director, animators or crew. It’s just not my cup of tea, and I’m not exactly sure whose cup of tea it is.Read our Boy & the World movie review »