Holy Man Movie Synopsis & Plot
Ricky Hayman is a top executive at the Good Buy Shopping Network who is facing unemployment. He's had flat sales for a record twenty-seven months and GBSN's new owner, Mr. McBainbridge, wants better statistics. To get them, he hires media analyst Kate Newell to assess the network's sagging financial prospects and get Ricky back on track within two weeks... Or else.
But one day, Ricky and Kate are driving down the freeway when their phones go dead and a tire pops. They pull over and are preparing to replace the tire when a strange holy man named G. comes over. Ricky is hesitant because a man walking down the freeway in pajamas cannot be sane but Kate is overly nice to him. And when G. faints from heat exhaustion, they have no choice but to take him with them.
What happens next is nothing short of a miracle. After slipping in to GBSN's studio, G. goes on live TV and starts messing up everything. He explains how material possessions are worthless compared to what your inner soul needs... And sales go up thirty percent.
Ricky realizes that G. is just what the network needs: an honest, religious man. Soon, G. becomes the next marketing master and reaches nationwide fame... But is that good?
Eddie Murphy once was Beverly Hills Cop. Then came The Nutty Professor. And now, he's Holy Man costarring with Jeff Goldblum and Kelly Preston.Read our Holy Man movie review »