Hugo Movie Synopsis & Plot
Based on Brian Selznick's captivating and imaginative New York Times bestseller "The Invention of Hugo Cabret." "Hugo Cabret," Scorsese's first film shot in 3D, tells the tale of an orphan boy living a secret life in the walls of a Paris train station. When Hugo encounters a broken machine, an eccentric girl, and the cold, reserved man who runs the toy shop, he is caught up in a magical, mysterious adventure that could put all of his secrets in jeopardy.
Martin Scorsese is responsible for several of modern cinema's greatest masterpieces. He's an exquisite filmmaker, one with an uncanny eye for drama, suspense and unearthing raw emotion. Inexplicably, he's also responsible for the children's movie Hugo, one of the most boring and pointless movies of the year.Read our Hugo movie review »