Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood Movie Synopsis & Plot
Set in Los Angeles in the summer of 1969, Tarantino’s upcoming movie focuses on a male TV actor named Rick Dalton (DiCaprio) who’s had one hit western series and is looking for a way to get into the film business. His sidekick Cliff Booth (Pitt) — who’s also his stunt double — is looking for the same thing. The horrific murder of Sharon Tate (Rick’s neighbor in the film) and four of her friends by Charles Manson’s cult of followers serves as a backdrop to the main story.
In Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, Quentin Tarantino trolls his loyal audience for over two hours before finally getting to the point and delivering a satisfyingly epic and unexpected climax. Whether the first two+ hours is worth it is up for debate.Read our Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood movie review »