Running Scared Movie Synopsis & Plot
Paul Walker stars in the fast-paced crime drama RUNNING SCARED from critically acclaimed director Wayne Kramer. Walker plays a low-level mobster who, in order to save his family, must recover a gun used in a mob hit before it's found by his bosses or the cops. And lest you think it's just another mob film, Kramer reveals a deeper subtext within the film's story. He says he envisioned it as "a "child's Grimm's fairy tale nightmaire, but taking place in a mob world." The fairy tale imagery can be found throughout the film, but it is subtle. RUNNING SCARED is scheduled for a February 24, 2006 release.
Paul Walker, considered to be one of the most cardboard actors getting consistent work today, stars in "Running Scared," a brutal and unconventional crime thriller that some have compared to Tarantino pictures. While no where near as good or clever as a Tarantino picture, "Running Scared" certainly packs a punch, both in story and visuals.Read our Running Scared movie review »