The Last Airbender Movie Synopsis & Plot
Based on the hugely successful Nickelodeon animated TV series, the live-action feature film is set in a world where human civilization is divided into four nations: Water, Earth, Air and Fire.
The Fire Nation is waging a ruthless, oppressive war against the other three nations. The film's hero, the reluctant young Aang, is the "Last Airbender" -- the Avatar who, according to prophecy, has the ability to manipulate all of the elements and bring all the nations together. Aided by a protective teenage Waterbender named Katara and her bull-headed brother Sokka, Aang proceeds on a perilous journey to restore balance to their war-torn world.
Let's not even dwell on M. Night Shyamalan's career. He used to make good movies. Now he makes terrible ones. And for some reason, studio executives at Paramount thought it would be wise to hand the reins of a potential franchise - and hundreds of millions of dollars - to the struggling director to make The Last Airbender.Read our Last Airbender, The movie review »